Pelican Book Club: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

April 6, 2017

You voted, and the results are in! This spring we will be reading that 20th century American classic, F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby! We're so excited to find that there was so much interest in this novel. (If you didn't vote for this one, not to fear- we made special note of all our runners up and plan to come back to them in the future.) But right now one of the big questions that seems to be circling around our tribe is the problem of defining a "classic" and whether or not a work less than 100 years old could possible fit into this description or be worthy of study. Perhaps Jay Gatsby will help fuel that discussion for us, as well as many more threads of rich conversation about that timeless question: what does it mean to live a good life? 

We hope you'll join us on April 6th at 1:00 Pacific Time/ 4:00 Eastern for a journey back to the Roaring Twenties and another foray into the Great Conversation!

**P.S. We know many of you are unable to meet during our usual time. While we work to find new scheduling options, we thought we would open the conversation up to more Pelicans by starting a "Pelican Book Club" channel in the Pelican Forum. You'll notice there are comments for each chapter of The Great Gatsby in that channel. We would love to start an ongoing discussion about our Pelican read there! Just post your comment as a reply to the proper chapter heading as you make your way through the book, and we'll benefit from even more wonderful literary conversation among a greater number of us!